Photo by Max Bender on Unsplash


Nik Sokol


Just yesterday the moon was full

It’s light, a warm yellow glow

The sky lit with stars so picturesque, and calm

Two days ago, the snow fell like glitter in the air

The laughs and small-talk of people passing by

Perplexed by Nature and her clear blue skies

I’d like to think that this place isn’t just a bubble

The place I’ve lived my life for the past year and a half

I don’t want it to fade into forgetful memories

As this merry-go-round comes to a halt, and I -

get off

A week from now, I’ll be back home; for good

But what is home?


are the people I could turn to when I was in a dark place

Those who I trusted spending time in silence with

Those who made me realize, it is okay to feel appreciated

I never thought that I would leave

But during this time, I learned a lot about myself I didn’t know

That I’m not ready to cease the face-to-face with my family

And I still need to work through some things

because the shadows don’t just leave, they fade

and come back with time

But I refuse to say goodbye just yet

I still have seven days until the glass around me cracks

and I will be back home again, ready to step into a new one

and sit upon a new merry-go-round



Nik Sokol

Reflective musings & poems worth sharing | Mental health advocate | All-around creative